About us


The Nordkurier Mediengruppe has been committed to sustainable cultural, social and economic development in northeast Germany for many years. We promote, support and initiate various projects and events in Western Pomerania, the Mecklenburg Lake District and the region of Uckermark. Because of our commitment we actively support the people in our region - and people appreciate that. We offer added value for the people, which was recently confirmed in a survey by the german magazine "WirtschaftsWoche", in which the Nordkurier Mediengruppe was rated “Most Valuable Employer” in the Mecklenburg Lake District.

Leserhilfswerk Nordkurier e.V. - Social affairs

Leserhilfswerk Nordkurier e.V. is an association that supports people in need in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Since 1992 the association has been able to help people who, through no fault of their own, have fallen on hard times. This is made possible by donations from readers and companies of the region. So far, more than 3100 families and fellow citizens have been helped with a donation - true to the motto "From neighbor to neighbor - Helping with heart".

Nordkurier Füreinander gGmbH - Social affairs

"Being there for each other. Being strong for each other": This is the credo of the Nordkurier Füreinander gGmbH, which has made it its business to promote art and culture, research and science, education and sport. It pursues exclusively non-profit purposes. It was founded as a subsidiary of the Leserhilfswerk to strengthen the quality of life in rural areas. Do you have a great idea and would like to know if we can support you? Then please feel free to contact us.

ZiSch - Education

ZiSch (short for "Zeitung in der Schule") is a school newspaper project initiated by the Nordkurier Mediengruppe. It is adressed to students in grades 3-12 and aims to improve reading, writing and media skills. Together with our partners from the regional economy we have been supporting schools throughout the entire Nordkurier distribution area since 1993. The students get the Nordkurier delivered to the classrooms and can use the daily newspaper to practice how to find and evaluate information. The teachers also receive a wide range of materials with suggestions on how to include ZiSch in their lessons. Student reporters design topic pages that are published in our newspapers and on the Internet. In addition, our business partners open their doors and allow the students a look behind the scenes and inform themselves about apprenticeship in the different companies.

Nordkurier-Musikinitiativpreis – Kultur

Zusammen mit den Festspielen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern verleiht die Nordkurier Mediengruppe einmal im Jahr den Nordkurier-Musikinitiativpreis. Die Auszeichnung ist mit 5.000 Euro dotiert und geht an besonders förderungswürdige Initiativen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, die einen musikalischen Bezug vorweisen können. Sie folgt dem Spielstättenpreis, mit dem in den zurückliegenden Jahren einzigartige Spielstätten in Dorfgemeinschaften unterstützt wurden. Dazu gehörten das Kloster Rühn bei Güstrow (2010), das „Hotel Tucholski“ in Loitz (2011), die Orangerie im Rosenpark in Groß Siemen bei Rostock und der Lokschuppen Pasewalk (2013), die Kloster- und Schlossanlage Dargun (2014), der Kornspeicher Landsdorf bei Triebsees (2015), das Kulturhaus Mestlin (2016) und das Kulturhaus Steinfurt (2018).


Stadt. Land. Klassik! - Culture

The concert series "Stadt. Land. Klassik!" is a cooperation between the philharmonic orchestra "Neue Philharmonie MV" and the Nordkurier Mediengruppe. By providing our know-how and our knowledge of the region, we actively support the young professional musicians. Together we offer philharmonic concerts at small and often uncommon venues in Western Pomerania and the Mecklenburg Lake District.

Donor for the foundation "Bürgerstiftung Neubrandenburg" - Social affairs

The Nordkurier Mediengruppe is a donor for the foundation "BürgerStiftung Neubrandenburg". We support the charitable work of the BürgerStiftung Neubrandenburg through financial donations and thereby promote various projects and plans in and around Neubrandenburg. The foundation operates in the areas of civic engagement, education, culture, sports and child- and youth-support.


As part of the "GreenMail" campaign, which stands for certified CO2-neutral dispatch, Nordkurier Logistik supports reforestation and maintenance work in the old beech forests near Angermünde. For just 1 cent extra per item, our business customers are thus making their contribution to greater sustainability and environmental protection. We compensate for the CO2 emissions that inevitably occur when sending letters by purchasing climate certificates from the climate protection project "International climate protection through regional commitment".

Other cooperations

We promote and support numerous other cultural, sporting and social institutions and events in the Mecklenburg Lake District and Uckermark region.